The Explosives Stock Book has been developed in close cooperation with our customers. Many on-site appointments in the quarry and underground preceded the development of the software. Development was also always accompanied by immediate practical use by our customers. This process has not been completed to date. All enhancements we make to the software are closely coordinated with our customers. Therefore, we also have very satisfied customers, as shown by the user reviews and customer testimonials:
Customer Testimonials Stock Book

“I am extremely satisfied with the Ontaris system. Overall, the time spent is less, the whole thing runs easier and faster. I don’t want the green book back.”

“The connection to our existing IT infrastructure was very easy. Even more important to us, however, was the ease of use of the program, which has now been confirmed after 9 months of practical use. The changeover to electronic directory management went quickly and smoothly throughout the MHI Group and was excellently supported by Ontaris.”

“The application is very easy to use, the devices are handy and the whole system is easy to learn.”

“We switched to the Ontaris system after 1 1/2 years because our previous system kept showing shortages. We also lacked the clarity and ease of use that characterizes the Ontaris system.”