Sprengmittel Lagerbuch 2.0Komfortable elektronische Lagerbuchführung


Convenient Electronic Stock Accounting

Under EU Directive 2008/43/EC and 2012/4/EU, all companies handling explosives have been required since April 5, 2015 to ensure full traceability of explosives stored and used. With the Ontaris Explosives Stock Book you comply with the EU Labelling Directive and at the same time benefit from the convenience of an electronic explosives stock book.

The Ontaris Explosives Stock Book was developed from the practical requirements of well-known companies. Thus, in close cooperation with these companies, a product has been created that is operated by touch. The handy devices consist of a robust 10.1″ tablet computer (IP65 protection class) and a high-performance Bluetooth scanner (IP67 protection class). The software has been continuously developed over the years in cooperation with our customers and is thus always kept up to date with the latest technology and practical requirements.


The Explosives Stock Book was developed from scratch in 2014. Since then, we have been in permanent dialog with our customers in order to continuously develop and optimize our solution, driven by practical requirements. This year, we have completely revised the software in terms of both content and technology and have thus been able to make it more powerful in many areas. The result is version 2.0, with improvements in the following areas:

– Incoming Goods up to 600% faster
– Booking of 500,000 items and more per XML file possible
– Display and processing speed generally optimized
Interface and User Guidance
– 20% fewer clicks due to optimized user guidance
– Optimization of operation through the use of large buttons
– Easy customization of lists and evaluations
Networking and Synchronization
– Working with multiple devices in one warehouse (automatic synchronization)
– Automatic switch between offline and online operation
– Automatic data transfer to the administration


Stock Book for Users

The Ontaris Explosives Stock Book is the solution for quarries, pits, seismic operators, demolition blasters, etc. It is an easy-to-use, robust and proven system for over 8 years for all those who use explosives commercially, want to comply with legal requirements and additionally benefit from the advantages of an electronic stock book. It works with all solutions available on the market and can read their XML files without any problems.

Stock Book for Dealers & Service Providers

The Ontaris Explosives Stock Book Dealer & Service Provider offers all the necessary functionalities you need as a dealer of explosives. In addition, blasting services can also be carried out easily. This version allows, among other things, the shipment of explosives incl. XML file, the trouble-free posting back of returns, the rapid generation of new packaging units, as well as the preparation of orders and the use of pick lists in conjunction with the company’s own ERP system.

Stock Book for Manufacturer

The Ontaris Explosives Stock Book Manufacturer is optimized on the one hand for the simple and errorless recording of produced explosives, detonators, etc., and on the other hand for the processing and handling of large deliveries (incoming goods or outgoing goods) of 200,000 items and more. In production, a guided collection of items can be carried out over several packaging levels, which are later distributed via logistics to the bunkers for subsequent delivery to the customers with XML file.

Explosives Ordnance Stock Book

The Explosive Ordnance Stock Book is designed for use in explosive ordnance disposal and, in particular, in the field of explosive ordnance disposal and destruction. Bulk and small ammunition can be easily recorded by quantity, and larger ammunition can also be recorded on an individualized basis. The system maps the entire chain of acquisition from the discovery, through interim storage, to the destruction of the explosive ordnance found.

Stock Book for Powder Dealers

The NC & Black Powder Stock Book is the right solution for small powder dealers who sell black powder or NC powder. It can be used both stationary and mobile. The software is installed on an existing PC or laptop and comes with a powerful wired 2D barcode scanner.

Customer Comments

to the Explosives Stock Book

“I am extremely satisfied with the Ontaris system. Overall, the time spent is less, the whole thing runs easier and faster. I don’t want the green book back.”

“The connection to our existing IT infrastructure was very easy. Even more important to us, however, was the ease of use of the program, which has now been confirmed after 9 months of practical use. The changeover to electronic directory management went quickly and smoothly throughout the MHI Group and was excellently supported by Ontaris.”

“The application is very easy to use, the devices are handy and the whole system is easy to learn.”

“We switched to the Ontaris system after 1 1/2 years because our previous system kept showing shortages. We also lacked the clarity and ease of use that characterizes the Ontaris system.”


Customers Who Trust our System


User Reports

Opinions from the practice

Zement- und Kalkwerke Otterbein

First Pilot Operation in Germany

Since mid-June 2014, the company “Zement- und Kalkwerke Otterbein GmbH & Co. KG” is in the practical testing phase of the Ontaris Explosives Stock Book. In close cooperation with MAXAM, Otterbein is the first company in Germany that has adopted Track and Trace with electronic stock accounting in its regular operations.

Wanted: Simple and Clear Solution
Today, Otterbein mines almost 500,000 tons of limestone annually. To enable this production, blasting is carried out every 2-3 days. Thus, the new EU directive for the labeling and tracing of explosives also applies to Otterbein Cement and Lime Works.

MHI Unternehmensgruppe

A practical report – six months after introduction

It is 7 o’clock in the morning. A beautiful autumn day announces itself. A truck with a delivery of explosives is parked in the yard. The explosives will be unloaded by the forklift and transferred to the bucket of the wheel loader, which will then take them to the blasting site.

Incoming Goods: Simple and Fast
Alfons Planken, the blasting foreman in charge at SHI (Sauerländer Hartkalkstein-Industrie GmbH) in Bad Wünnenberg, is already checking the delivery. Using the delivery note, he goes through the individual items and checks them off. This is routine; for years, every delivery has been received and checked by him in this way. The fact that he now takes a robust tablet computer with a small scanner and uses it to check the goods has been new since April.